Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Robert Neuwirth's "Shadow Cities"

A TED talk by a somewhat pushy and dramatic journalist, but still a good overview of the future of cities and their slums.

1 comment:

turner said...

My question for you Artur, after watching this TED talk and reading schumacher/fathy/sri lanka housing project in regionalism, is whether you would encourage the idea of self-building communities to evolve into a search of self identity.

Looking at the example that Neuwirth showed in the talk, you have your very primitive "garbage heap" on one end of the spectrum, and a highly developed yet homogenized building (the examples from turkey) on the other. I think he showed some examples in between that have distinct identities.

So how can you come up with a design-plan to help flourish these communities without being too prescriptive about it (a la Fathy), yet allow self expression and thus instilling that feeling of freedom that Neuwirth talked about early in the talk.